viernes, 6 de mayo de 2011

Google demanded by geolocate androids

Google Maps and Google Places Page Google Demandada por Geolocalizar Androides

In recent weeks, the users of the famous Apple Iphone devices, will find you that their devices stored the location information without asking any permission, and also the file with this data was easily accessible from the computer that synchronizes with the terminal. It is even already circulating an application that takes this file, and presents it data on a map (how long have some to spare).

As it could not be otherwise, in the case of the Android operating system, to be the subject of Google has climbed up to the courts, with a collective demand that is pending in the United States (where if something cannot occur so?).

It all started when a group of developers discovered that the teams based on Android, kept a cache of the last 50 antennas a which was accessed, and the past 200 points of Wi-Fi access with which a connection is established. How to access the data from the same mobile, is obtaining root access, which makes this type of information is a bit more guarded in the case of the Iphone.

In addition to this, which is usually done to improve the services offered, the collected information also is transmitted to Google. But the problem is that Android adds a random ID number , which would identify the user, although it is necessary to implement fairly complex techniques to achieve this.

This must be added that the data is not transmitted in an encrypted manner, which can cause problems of pivacidad. For this reason, the applicants claim that the company stops doing this follow-up or report clearly What are its objectives, including the possibility of sharing the information with other companies. In addition, claims compensation for damages of $ 50 million, there is nothing.

From the Google clarified that this procedure is entirely optional, and was created with the idea of improving the experience of users. For this reason, those who initiated the demand, are calling for that will indicate clearly what will be done with all gathered. What should also be added the possibility that such data were removed and could not be used.

View the original article here

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