miércoles, 30 de mayo de 2012

Microsoft Introduces 'Tabletop' PC

As computing devices get smaller and smaller, Microsoft is bucking the trend with its Microsoft Surface 'tabletop' PC, code-named 'Milan.' The device, about the size of a small desk, allows the user to draw and write on the surface with a brush or fingers. Instead of using a mouse or keyboard, the user manipulates digital elements on the surface with his or her hands.

The first of the Milan devices will be shipped to corporate customers to be used as kiosks... providing Milan with crucial exposure while allowing Microsoft to work out any kinks before offering surface computing to home and office users. At any rate, the average consumer will be forgiven for not pouncing on the first available units, which cost approximately $10,000 each.

Source: ZDNet

jueves, 24 de mayo de 2012

samsung new smart phones http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/PocketPcLive/~3/kCbuesEkz6g/kddi-japan-launches-worlds-first-wp7-mango-the-fujitsu-is-12t.html

samsung new smart phones

Fujitsu IS 12TMicrosoft, Fujitsu and KDDI, today officially launched the 'Fujitsu IS 12T', as this is the world's First mobile phone running the Microsoft Windows Phone 7 with the Mango update. This was announced on July 27th and almost a month later now, it got launched. It's happy to hear right…

lunes, 21 de mayo de 2012

domingo, 20 de mayo de 2012

cell phone reviews El LG X3 llegaría para jugar la liga de los grandes

cell phone reviews Aunque de momento no sean más que rumores, este es uno de esos smartphones de los que gusta hablar. Se trata del futuro LG X3, un teléfono móvil de gama superior con unas prestaciones y equipamiento apabullantes.

¿LLegará para el próximo MWC de Barcelona? No lo sabemos, pero si el hecho de que este smartphone con pantalla HD de 4.7 pulgadas llevaría presumiblemente uno de los primeros procesadores de cuádruple núcleo NVIDIA Tegra 3.

El LG X3 correría logicamente con el sistema operativo móvil Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich, aunque aún así mantendría en su diseño algunos botones físicos. Una memoria interna de 16 Gb (ampliable, seguramente mediante tarjetas microSD) y dos cámaras (una trasera con una resolución de 8Mp y una frontal de 1.3) también estarían presentes en el modelo.

Con capacidad NFC y conectividades WiFi y Bluetooth, el smartphone llegaría en modo HSPA, aunque con una más que presumible actualización a LTE en poco tiempo. En resumidas cuentas, un teléfono móvil para jugar en la liga de los grandes. ¿Qué otras características os gustaría que tuviera?

lunes, 14 de mayo de 2012

the best android phone Sutures from Bacteria

the best android phone Sounds icky, but it's true -- the FDA has approved a polymer suture made from modified bacteria using recombinant DNA technology.

The material in Tepha Medical Devices' TephaFLEX Absorbable Suture breaks down in the body as a deep wound or surgical incision heals, improving the healing process and preventing infection. Recombinant DNA allows the manufacture of materials from organisms that would be difficult if not impossible to produce otherwise.

viernes, 11 de mayo de 2012

smartphones comparison Palm Pre Arrives June 6

smartphones comparison
Sprint (NYSE: S) today announced pricing and nationwide availability for the highly anticipated Palm Pre phone, offered exclusively from Sprint.

Palm Pre will be available nationwide on June 6 in Sprint stores, Best Buy, Radio Shack, select Wal-Mart stores and online at Sprint.com for $199.99 with a two-year service agreement and after a $100 mail-in rebate.

Sprint has high hopes for the device:

"It's the highest confidence I've ever had going into a device launch that this is going to be a blockbuster," said Kevin Packingham, senior vice president for product and technology development at Sprint. "I'm pretty sure we'll know within the first week."

miércoles, 9 de mayo de 2012

best samsung phone Marketers Have to Take Mobile Seriously Now

best samsung phone Interesting article on Mobile Advertising in BusinessWeek that is worth a read.

The article talks about Pandora - a nine-year-old, free online service that lets users design 'radio stations' based on their musical preferences. Pandora has become a very popular mobile app as well and advertisers like Best Buy, Dockers, Target, and Nike have started to buy ads on Pandora to experiment with what remains a cheap advertising medium.

'We've reached a tipping point,'
says Domino's Pizza advertising executive Rob Weisberg. 'Marketers, especially consumer brands, have to take mobile seriously now. You have to be where your customer works, lives, and plays.'

Pandora mobile advertisers are seeing pretty solid response rates to their ads which bodes well for the medium.

smartphone comparison http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/PocketPcLive/~3/iE8wQ5AfvR4/firefox-for-android-almost-ready.html

smartphone comparison

Firefox for Android Almost ReadyAfter a host of beta releases, Firefox 4 has finally entered Release Candidate (RC) stage. The newer improved version features faster scrolling, better responsiveness with Firefox Sync while taking the overall user experience up many notches.

martes, 8 de mayo de 2012

Cell Phone Gaming Taking Off

According to a new consumer study conducted by research firm Information Solutions Group on behalf of casual games publisher PopCap Games, 57% of AT&T wireless subscribers play mobile games.

The advent of the iPhone and its App Store have made the download and usage of mobile games easier than ever, and the mobile gaming industry is expected to grow more than 10% per year to hit $6.3 billion in user spending by 2011, according to a report from Gartner.

52% of gamers cited 'distraction from daily life issues' as the top benefit derived from mobile gaming, followed by 'relaxation and stress relief' (40%) and 'improved mood' (12%)--in addition, 52% of gamers said they play mobile titles during work hours, and 14% selected 'during my work day, when I need a short break' as the time when they most often play games on their phone.

60% of all mobile gamers cited 'while waiting for an appointment' as a time when they play mobile games, with 'during the day on weekdays' selected by 34% of respondents and 'when traveling on vacation' and 'on the weekend' tying for third at 25% each.

The Information Solutions Group study reports that 59% of AT&T gamers play games on their phone at least once a month, and 40% said they play weekly or more often--41% said they played less than once per month. 91% of mobile gaming sessions last fewer than 30 minutes, and 62% extend fewer than 15 minutes. In all, 71% of mobile gamers play games on their phone for less than an hour per week, although 52% of those who play daily said they play for three or more hours per week.

Asked to name 'games you enjoy playing on your cell phone,' 20% of AT&T gamers cited Tetris, followed by Bejeweled at 18% and Solitaire at 17%. Puzzle games topped popular genres at 66%, followed by card/casino titles at 51%--board games earned 15% of the vote, with action/adventure trailing at 11%.

86% of mobile gamers also play video games on one or more other devices, with 76% of gamers playing on computers, 41% on consoles and 24% on handheld game devices.

17% of mobile gamers consider their mobile handset their primary gaming device.

sábado, 5 de mayo de 2012

Triple Town para iOS y Android

Triple Town es un juego de puzzles desarrollado por SpryFox que podría convertirse en el próximo fenómeno del juego en móviles tomando el testigo de Plants vs. Zombies o Angry Birds. Triple Town está disponible para Android y para iPhone. La primera versión del juego se lanzó originalmente para los Kindle de Amazon y también pasó por Facebook antes de llegar a smartphones.

El concepto de Triple Town es muy sencillo: tenemos que construir la ciudad más valiosa que podamos. Para ello disponemos de un tablero formado por cuadrículas y tenemos que ir colocando piezas sobre él formando grupos de tres o más elementos iguales para que se combinen y formen elementos más valiosos. Así, si combinamos tres parches de hierba tendremos un arbusto, si combinamos tres arbustos conseguiremos un árbol y tres árboles formarán una casa.

Para añadirle algo de emoción, también tendremos que colocar a los enemigos sobre el tablero. Estos enemigos están representados por osos que se mueven al azar por las áreas vacías, evitando que coloquemos nuestras piezas libremente. Para eliminarlos tendremos que dejarlos encerrados en una casilla. Además de los enemigos, de vez en cuando también podremos usar robots que eliminan cualquier objeto que haya en el tablero y cristales que funcionan a modo de comodín y pueden combinarse con cualquier otro objeto.

Las partidas en Triple Town terminan cuando el teclado se llene por completo. En ese momento se hará un recuento de nuestros logros y nos darán monedas que podemos usar en las siguientes partidas para comprar objetos.

La descarga de Triple Town es gratuita, pero el juego se englobaría dentro del modelo freemium. La cosa funciona de la siguiente manera: cuando descargamos el juego tenemos una determinada cantidad de turnos disponibles (cuando yo lo descargué eran 1.500). Una vez los hemos gastado todos, los turnos se van reponiendo lentamente hasta 150. Cuando los gastamos vuelven a reponerse otra vez. Lo que nos ofrece SpryFox es comprar turnos ilimitados para Triple Town, es decir, lo que equivale a desbloquear por completo el juego. Hasta ahora los turnos ilimitados tenían un coste de 6,99 dólares (en Android), pero en estos momentos están rebajados a 3,99.

Si os gustan los juegos de puzzles, Triple Town os enganchará seguro. Es un título muy adictivo y especialmente adecuado para echar partidas rápidas (si salimos del juego, la partida queda guardada). Sin embargo, también tiene sus defectos. En Android tiende a bloquearse con frecuencia, aunque generalmente basta con esperar cuando aparece el aviso de forzar cierre. Además, personalmente me he encontrado con un extraño error que hace que sea imposible comprar los turnos ilimitados aunque se quiera.


Firefox for Android Almost ReadyAfter a host of beta releases, Firefox 4 has finally entered Release Candidate (RC) stage. The newer improved version features faster scrolling, better responsiveness with Firefox Sync while taking the overall user experience up many notches.

jueves, 3 de mayo de 2012


Free ebook Reader on Windows PhoneBillo, a new software by Ray Kurzweil, which provides a free of charge e-reader software platform, has been launched. It is now available for Windows PC's and the Windows Phone 7 version is soon expected.